Timber sales are conducting very infrequently in most landowners lifetimes. As such, they can be confusing and down right intimidating. To top that off there are many small decisions that you as a landowner will need to make and these seemingly small decisions can have large consequences at the conclusion of your sale. That's where a consulting forester can help steer you in the right direction to avoid the potential pitfalls out there.
How you market your timber and who you market it to can also make a large difference in the amount of money you receive and what it costs to reforest your land.
You want someone representing you that is looking out for your best interests, is familiar with the environmental requirements of timber harvesting, knows which operators have the specific capabilities and knowledge to reach your objectives, and is knowledgeable concerning what needs to be done to reforest after the harvest is complete.
What is the process?
Each timber sale is custom designed for you, with your input, to meet your objectives. After delineation of your expected outcomes the timber is cruised(measured and assigned an appraised value) and a sale package is prepared for your inspection and approval before sending to reputable buyers. Depending on your objectives this sale package may be as simple as a negotiated sale with a buyer that specializes in meeting your objectives or it might consist of contacting numerous buyers to achieve the maximum dollar possible for your forest products. Once a bid or offer is received, we discuss with you the offer and upon your approval timber sale agreements/timber deeds are prepared.
What happens during the sale?
We work with the timber buyer and logger to ensure that your concerns and the requirements of the timber sale agreement remain in compliance. We will coordinate site inspections, mill tickets, and environmental compliance throughout the operation to make your experience as seamless and positive as possible.
What about after the sale?
We will work with you in planning for your next stand of trees beginning before the timber is sold and culminating once the trees are in the ground and growing.
Throughout the harvest process, we will monitor and begin lining up the steps necessary to move directly into getting your next crop growing so that we can get your land back into production and working for you.
Often times, you need to line up the reforestation work as the harvest concludes so that you can get the best genetic stock and quality contractors.
To see what options we use please see our Reforestation page.
Find out more
We gladly will meet with you to further explain the process, answer questions, or discuss options. As usual there is no charge for this initial consultation within our normal work area.