Planning for reforestation is best done prior to the harvest operation. The manner in which you harvest can greatly reduce your options and can possibly greatly increase or reduce your costs. We assess each tract based on productivity, species, and your objectives to make reforestation as economical as possible. We prepare our plans and conduct reforestation work in compliance with many cost share programs that can also lower your out of pocket costs to start your new forest.
The backbone of southern pine management. We seek to provide the most genetically improved stock available to help you enhance the early growth and eventually volume that your property can produce. By using the advances in tree breeding and genetics you can actually increase your yields by upwards of 20% from using natural regeneration. When this is combined with use of herbicides for control of competition during the early years you can even increase these yields higher.
We have 30 years of experience in the piedmont of NC establishing and growing pine plantations for landowners interested in timber income. This experience is critical in dodging the pitfalls that can occur from poor genetic stock, poor site preparation, and improper storage and handling of your new seedlings. Not all seedlings are the same and cheaper is not always better.
The backbone of southern pine management. We seek to provide the most genetically improved stock available to help you enhance the early growth and eventually volume that your property can produce. By using the advances in tree breeding and genetics you can actually increase your yields by upwards of 20% from using natural regeneration.